Get the game that’s won more than 100 Game of the Year Awards! Clash on the battlefields of tomorrow and choose your hero from a diverse cast of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities. Bend time, defy physics, and unleash a dizzying array of extraordinary powers and weapons. Engage your enemies in iconic locations from around the globe in the ultimate team-based shooter.
This edition includes:
• The full game.
• 10 Bonus Loot Boxes with cosmetic goodies for your Overwatch heroes.
• Origin Skins for 5 Overwatch heroes.
• A Baby Winston Pet for adventures in World of WarCraft.
• The Tracer Hero for battling it out in Heroes of the Storm.
• And more!
Internetyhteys ja Plus-jäsenyys
Game of the Year Editionissa lisämateriaali kertakäyttökoodin takana. Tuote käytetty, emme takaa koodin toimivuutta.