Etusivu » Pelit Playstation 3 Urheilu MLB 11 The Show – Ps3

MLB 11 The Show – Ps3

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Amerikkalaista pesäpalloa. Jalo laji, jota on vaikea ymmärtää mutta nyt täydellistä hallita PlayStation 3:lla.
Uusi MLB 11 sisältää tuen myös Move -ohjaimille. Todella upeaa pallottelua!
MLB 11: The Show is a multiplayer baseball game that delivers a true Major League Baseball experience for gamers on the PlayStation 3 platform. MLB 11: The Show features a new analog stick default controls for pitching, batting and fielding that instead of just relying on buttons requires timing and rhythm. This focuses the attention of the player, just as if you were on the field. It also features PlayStation Move support in its Home Run Derby functionality. Additional features include: 4-player co-op support both online and offline, additional online modes, improved Road to the Show functionality, stereoscopic 3D game support* and more.

Weight 0.160 kg
Dimensions 13.5 × 1.6 × 17.1 cm


